Effective Factors on Consumer Buying Behavior in Group Buying | Revista Publicando
Effective Factors on Consumer Buying Behavior in Group Buying

How to Cite

Tajik Ebrahimabad, M., & Mirabi, V. (2018). Effective Factors on Consumer Buying Behavior in Group Buying. Revista Publicando, 5(15(2), 1062-1093. Retrieved from https://revistapublicando.org/revista/index.php/crv/article/view/1415


We live in an age that is accompanied by rapid changes. The expansion of the World Wide Web, electronic communications, the advancement and widespread use of information technology has provided a proper platform for business, economic and financial relations. Electronic service is one of the forefathers of  the IT world, according to which all business, banking and credit activities are transferred from the traditional platform to the electronic platform. For this reason, the use of electronic systems in the commercial enterprises of the world  is rapidly growing and the number of users of electronic services is increasing day by day. The use of this technology has been led to the development of  business, facilitating the communication of economic agents, providing business  opportunities for enterprises, improving productivity, reducing costs and saving time. Online group shopping businesses are a new generation of electronic  business models that have been well uncounted by their audience in recent years. Although these models have unique features that differentiate them from other e commerce models, comprehensive research has not been conducted in Iran to determine their specifications so far. Therefore, the researcher is trying to elaborate on this topic more widely in this article, based on foreign existent research. This research is an applied and descriptive-survey research. In this research, we tried to answer the research questions and measure the hypotheses by collecting information from 380 customers who shop online, through a questionnaire and analysing it with the help of software.



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