Moderating Role of Life Cycle and Economic Conditions in Impact of Financial Reporting Quality Measuring Criteria on Firms Future Growth | Revista Publicando
Moderating Role of Life Cycle and Economic Conditions in Impact of Financial Reporting Quality Measuring Criteria on Firms Future Growth


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Kiani, A., Aghaee, M. A., & Etemadi, H. (2018). Moderating Role of Life Cycle and Economic Conditions in Impact of Financial Reporting Quality Measuring Criteria on Firms Future Growth. Revista Publicando, 5(15(2), 507-544. Retrieved from


This study aimed to evaluate usefulness of financial reporting qualitative factors affecting firms”™ future growth considering various steps of life cycle and economic conditions. Financial reporting quality is a multidimensional implication so that there is not a unanimous definition of it. Authors have used various criteria to measure accounting information quality, but none of them evaluated usefulness of each metric considering moderating variable including life cycle and economic conditions when estimating future growth; moreover, sustainable usefulness is still an ambiguous issue. Financial data of 188 companies listed in Tehran Stock Exchange, 2007-2015 collected to model and evaluate usefulness of 16 criteria for financial reporting quality affecting future growth with regard to life cycle and economic conditions. The results obtained from Stepwise method indicated that using interactional effects of financial reporting quality variables and steps taken within life cycle and economic conditions led to increase in precise estimation of firms”™ future growth. Research findings showed that some criteria associated with accounting information quality had useful impacts on future growth considering moderating role of life cycle and economic conditions. Obtained results can be used by analysts and investors to estimate future components growth.



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