International Contracts and Global Developments | Revista Publicando
International Contracts and Global Developments

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Reza Naghavi, S., Asadi, D. A., & Eslami, D. M. (2018). International Contracts and Global Developments. Revista Publicando, 5(15(2), 346-372. Retrieved from


In This article, international conventions and global developments were investigated. Of course, the first problem that is going to happen is how laws and regulations govern these relationships. The terms of the trader's party or the contractor in terms of economic risk and the ability to perform the contract, as well as the scope of the implementation of the contract, according to the internal rules of the other party after the rule of law, is important, the manner of formulation and content of the contract is important, so that each contract from the crossroad The element of suggestion and acceptance is obtained. Proposing and accepting two basic and fundamental  pillars for each contract. Therefore, the legal effects arising from the types of international contracts and the incentive for foreign investment in this area are very important given the removal of obstacles to the conclusion of international contracts for the provision of services and their implementation. Considering the adoption of the barriers and problems mentioned in the national laws and the impact of sanctions originating from other countries and risks in the field of international trade, a new issue is raised which the impact of the provision of services based on domestic law, contractual risks and pressures from international sanctions Concluding and executing international services? Or, in the absence of the appropriate context, with what tools and facilities could the incentive to contract be made on the external side, and, finally, the sale of services and the development and flourishing of the country's economic and productive cycles by attracting foreign capital and presenting the world's modern technology?



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