Competency Matrix for Strategic Human Resource Management in Malaysia Telecommunication Industry | Revista Publicando
Competency Matrix for Strategic Human Resource Management in Malaysia Telecommunication Industry

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Mansournia, K. (2018). Competency Matrix for Strategic Human Resource Management in Malaysia Telecommunication Industry. Revista Publicando, 5(15(2), 166-198. Retrieved from


The purpose of this research is to study Human Resources Competencies and the way of Strategic Human Resources Management in the Malaysian Telecommunication Industry particularly to identify the different competencies that engaged companies possess and drawing a Competency Matrix relating to that. It is also intended to compare the achievement of the industry in this area according to Malaysia”™s Vision 2020. This study is done via survey questionnaire for gathering primary data from employees of Malaysian Telecommunication Industry. The total number of 120 employees responded to the survey. The findings revealed that Employee Education, Employee Interest, and Employee Ethics are significantly regarded and implemented as Human Resource competencies among employees of the Malaysian Telecommunication Industry.



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