Marketing Strategies in Knowledge Based Businesses. Information and Communication Technology Services Knowledge Based Enterprises Pisa Computer Science and Information Technology | Revista Publicando
Marketing Strategies in Knowledge Based Businesses. Information and Communication Technology Services Knowledge Based Enterprises Pisa Computer Science and Information Technology

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Alvandi Benam, H. (2018). Marketing Strategies in Knowledge Based Businesses. Information and Communication Technology Services Knowledge Based Enterprises Pisa Computer Science and Information Technology. Revista Publicando, 5(15(2), 124-144. Retrieved from


In this paper it was searched Marketing Strategies in Knowledge Based Businesses. Information and Communication Technology Services Knowledge Based Enterprises Pisa Computer Science and Information Technology. In our Country There has been pure talents of experts for developing and making new products and services specifically in the field of data technology and bravely it can claim that we are known as able and capable courtiers. In this it was applied of MAXODA software suitable for analyzing the codes depending on coding specifically it is good for data method thesis. The results indicate that innovation at searching is on primary and the main factor on flourishing ideas in organization. This kind of innovation it is consisting of levels and trends of introduction in which they are as: Constructing the Idea, Evaluation and election of Idea, conceptualizing the technology and admitting suggest of survey.



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