Representation of the Punishment Concept by the Legal Terms Punishment, Penalty and their Derivatives | Revista Publicando
Representation of the Punishment Concept by the Legal Terms Punishment, Penalty and their Derivatives

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Danilov, K., Varshamova, N. L., & Yashina, E. V. (2018). Representation of the Punishment Concept by the Legal Terms Punishment, Penalty and their Derivatives. Revista Publicando, 5(15(2), 100-123. Retrieved from


This paper covers the peculiarities of the PUNISHMENT concept in the minds of American and British lawyers. The authors have found the basic constituents of the concept and determined its correlations with other legal and everyday concepts. Since the PUNISHMENT concept has been viewed as the element of legal thinking and reasoning in the two countries, the differences, stemming from this fact, have also been noted. The materials for the analysis are the definitions from law dictionaries and the texts of works on legal issues both physical and online. The paper might be useful to law students and all the people who are interested in the professional legal attitude to crime and punishment in Britain and the US.    



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