Restrictive Resource of Constitutional Duties: The Experience of Cis Countries | Revista Publicando
Restrictive Resource of Constitutional Duties: The Experience of Cis Countries

How to Cite

Chistyukhina, M. V., Gavrishov, D. V., Lebed, A. V., Markhgeym, M. V., & Sushkov, P. A. (2018). Restrictive Resource of Constitutional Duties: The Experience of Cis Countries. Revista Publicando, 5(14 (2), 770-778. Retrieved from


 The article presents the author's analysis of CIS country constitutions to identify the norms regulating various aspects of man and citizen duties. The obtained results are ordered within the framework of an independent model of CIS countries, characterized by the existence of different generations of man and citizen constitutional duties; the author's conclusion is proposed on the consolidation of the declared duties in a typical, shortened and expanded catalog.



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