Energy Efficiency Management Based on Innovative Development Indicators | Revista Publicando
Energy Efficiency Management Based on Innovative Development Indicators

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Sadriev, A. R., Maierufi, M., & Dyrdonova, A. N. (2017). Energy Efficiency Management Based on Innovative Development Indicators. Revista Publicando, 4(13 (3), 950-960. Retrieved from


Structural changes that are currently taking place in the world economy significantly transform the foundations of innovation activities carried out at all levels of management. Energy efficiency is becoming increasingly important among the priorities of innovative development; the task of being energy efficient has been linked to the formulation and solution of other priorities in the field of innovation. The new quality of the influence of the energy factor on the content and results of innovative development predetermines the need for developing an indicative management system linking the energy efficiency indicators with the parameters of innovation development at different levels of management and reflecting the achievement of target milestones in the transition of the economy to the sixth technological mode. That is why the problems of the formation of such a system were given special attention during the research. It is established that for the formation of a system of energy efficiency indicators intended for use in the management of innovative processes in the economy, there is no need to develop a qualitatively new composition that was fundamentally different from the traditional practice of managing the efficiency of energy production, transmission and consumption. The conducted research has shown that the existing system can be based on existing indicators which must be filled with new content reflecting the specifics of the problem under consideration.



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