Publication fees | Revista Publicando

Publication fees


All articles published in Revista Publicando are open-access. This means that, unlike the traditional model, our content can be freely shared, read, used, and cited. Access to all our content is free for readers and is not subject to any subscription. This open-access model ensures that all readers, both professionals and non-professionals, have access to new knowledge.

However, maintaining a high-standard scientific journal involves specific costs in editing, proofreading, technology for curation, storage, tagging, dissemination, and promotion of the content. Therefore, Revista Publicando charges authors for the services described below.

Peer Review Processing Fee

The fast-track review is optional and costs $80.00 USD + 7% transfer fee (PayPal Fees). Payment of this fee guarantees that the peer review process, editorial decision, notification to the author, and the sending of the acceptance letter will be completed within a maximum period of 3 weeks from the date the Editorial Board accepts the contribution. This service is not subject to discounts, except in cases of complete waiver for justified reasons, a decision that lies with the chief editor. Those interested in this service must send a message to the editorial office at the time of submission.

Once the article's suitability for review is determined and if it meets all the formal characteristics required in the Author Guidelines, an email with payment instructions will be sent.

Article Processing Charges (APC)

If the manuscript is accepted for publication, the author(s) must pay an Article Processing Charge (APC) of $150.00 USD + 7% transfer fee (PayPal Fees). This fee covers the following aspects:

- Peer review, editing, proofreading, layout, and publication of articles.
- Similarity or plagiarism check using specialized software.
- Crossref membership and DOI (Digital Object Identifier) payment.
- Layout, design, and printing in HTML, PDF, and EPUB using specialized software.
- Promotion on social platforms.
- Financial and logistical management expenses.
- Website and added services payment (security, OJS maintenance, modules, WordPress, etc.).

Waiver Policy

Forms of scientific communication such as reviews, short essays, reflections, scientific notes, and letters to the editor are exempt from this fee. Once the article is approved for publication, an email with payment instructions will be sent. The acceptance letter will be sent after the payment has been made. Revista Publicando accepts payments from public or private institutions on behalf of the author to facilitate publication.

Discount Policy

Revista Publicando may apply discounts or waive fees. Requests must be justified and clearly state the reasons and purpose of the research presented. The Editorial Board makes the final decision on discounts and waivers.

Payment Methods

Revista Publicando accepts the following payment methods:

  • PayPal
  • Bank transfer

PayPal Payment Options:

  • PayPal balance
  • Bank account
  • Debit or credit card


For more information, please contact: Ing. Pablo G. Moro

Last updated: June 24, 2024