RPPH Blog Books / Libros
Vol. 9 No. 35 (2022): July-August-September

Revista Publicando is a publication co-edited by Corporación Educativa SER & R.P. Publishing House. It was founded in 2014 as a result of the First Course-Workshop "Publicación en Revistas Indexadas" in Ecuador.

Its main objective is to publish original contributions as research articles, theoretical articles, review articles (literature review or systematic review), book reviews, essays, translations, letters to the Editor.

Although the journal published articles with a multidisciplinary character in its early years, since its new editorial direction at the beginning of 2019, it began to focus only on the area of social sciences. The journal aims to researchers, professors, and authors interested in the fields and subfields that belongs to the social sciences.

Publicando accepts contributions in Spanish and English; it has a quarterly frequency and is published at the beginning of each period (January, April, July, October).

Our articles go through a double-blind peer-review process. If you want to know how to publish with us and the journal's format and style guidelines, follow this link: Guidelines For Authors.


Katheryn Patiño-Pilliza, Catherine Fonseca-León, Mariela Chango-Galarza
Control of production costs under the ISO 9001: 2015 standard: An option to minimize economic squandering in the artisan businesses of La Victoria parish, Pujilí cantón, Cotopaxi province, period 2019-2021
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Daniel Cuadrado-Avilés, Darwin Masapanta-Alomoto, Alisva Cárdenas-Pérez
Analysis of a Cost Accounting system and its impact on the profitability of craft businesses in the La Victoria’s town, Pujilí canton, Cotopaxi province during the 2019-2021 period
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Kevin Ayala-Toaquiza, David Ponce-Molina, Alisva Cárdenas-Pérez
Accounting and financial diagnosis and its impact on efficiency business of the Artisan Sector in La Victoria’s town, Pujilí canton, Cotopaxi province during the periods 2019-2021
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Lenin Morales-Antamba, Ariel Sánchez-Cando, Iralda Benavides-Echeverría
Blockchain technology in the management of costs of handicrafts produced in La Victoria’s town, Cotopaxi province, period 2021
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Dra. María Lyssette Mazó Quevedo, Dra. Rocío Guadalupe Sosa Peña, Dra. Raquel Olivia de los Santos de Dios
Accessible tourism, the case of chocolate farms in Tabasco, Mexico
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Perla Nohemi Gutiérrez Chávez, Dr. Wilberth Velducea Velducea, Pamela Franco Díaz, Teresa de Jesús Barreras Villavelázquez, Ma. Concepción Soto Valenzuela
Transdisciplinary strategies in a university training process
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Raymundo Márquez, Rosa Del Carmen Sánchez Trinidad, Adriana del Carmen Sánchez Trinidad, Rocío Del Carmen Castillo Méndez
Study of psychosocial risk factors in a workplace in the oil sector
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Ma. Concepción Soto Valenzuela, Celina Almendra Aceves Almeida, Leticia Irene Franco Gallegos, Francisco Joya Ramírez, Teresa de Jesús Barreras Villavelázquez
Informalidad laboral en la administracion del deporte en Chihuahua
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