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Analyze the impact of the advance income tax in the competitive development of MSMEs in the leather and footwear sector Zone 3, period 2010- 2013
Vol 3. No 7
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Impact analysis
Advance payment of Income Taxes
Competitive Development
Leather and Footwear Industry
Zone 3


How to Cite

Sotalí­n Sotalí­n, D. L., Muñoz Moreta, E. R., & Saltos Chacán, M. Y. (2016). Analyze the impact of the advance income tax in the competitive development of MSMEs in the leather and footwear sector Zone 3, period 2010- 2013. Revista Publicando, 3(7), 366-388. https://revistapublicando.org/revista/index.php/crv/article/view/95


The aim of the study is to analyze the impact of the advance income tax in the competitive development of MSMEs in the leather and footwear sector Zone 3, period 2010- 2013 in the provinces of Cotopaxi, Tungurahua, Chimborazo and Pastaza. The study focuses on the province of Tungurahua, where the leading companies engaged in the economic activity of tannery and footwear are concentrated. Also it is intended to stimulate new investment projects in order to create viable alternatives to ensure economic and social growth of the area in which they develop.
A descriptive study of MSMEs is applied, with the comparative analysis of productive years of reliable and updated statistical information of the study area. The data collection techniques such as interviews and direct observation will allow the results of the advance payment of income tax on the most representative companies. Support disciplines include: statistics, history and economic geography, planning the productive sector, laws and resolutions of tax administration, investment management, quality products, good living, among others.
The study sets out how to evaluate variables that determine the competitive development including: production, employed personnel, technology, sales, profits; comparing perceptions of micro, small and medium businesses with the advance payment of income tax. This research aims to control the various entities of the public sector to establish new policies benefit the tax administration and improve the competitive development of this sector, which is in the process of changing the productive matrix.

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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2019 Damián Leonardo Sotalí­n Sotalí­n, Enrique Rafael Muñoz Moreta, Mary Yesennya Saltos Chacán


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