Ecuador has one of the largest and most important nature reserves in the world and international communities; the Yasuni reserve comprising 982,000 hectares of tropical rainforest, flooded forest, marshes, rivers, lakes, so it is important to preserve this ecosystem because it contains the greatest genetic diversity in the world, also it contains a variety of species, making it superior to any other ecosystem.
In 2007, the Ecuadorian government presented the Yasuní ITT initiative in the debate of the United Nations, in which it was proposed to leave 850 million barrels of oil under the ground Ishpingo Tambococha Tiputini block. This activity meant an economic loss to the country of approximately 7,000 million dollars, so the government to the international community demand a compensation of 3,500 million dollars for not emit into the atmosphere more than 400 million carbon mass for the benefits it generates the entire planet.
According to research can show that if there are natural resources and materials needed for this activity, in an operation organized by the Tourist and organizations in charge as the Ministry of Tourism. In this region it has transportation, lodging, restaurants; certificates tours MINTUR, which allows a tour of the site in a responsible and safe for tourists and inhabitants of the Yasuni National Park, respecting the ecosystem and culture the villagers.
That is why the importance of studying the model of sustainable development is in tourism in the Yasuni National Park as a possible strategy for non-oil dependence in the economic development of the country, which will take place by searching existing information on the subject.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Cristina Chauca Pozo, Ronald Soto Aguirre, Rodrigo López Sánchez