The following article is devoted to the study of the employment of lexico-semantic transformations in translation of American English paremiological units into the Russian and Spanish languages. Our aim is to compare and contrast the frequency of the usage of particular transformations depending on the target language. At the beginning of the research we put forward two hypotheses: 1) meaning development is going to be the most frequently used type of lexico-semantic transformations in translation to both languages, 2) the percentage of usage of concretization, generalization and metonymic translation is going to be very low in both languages.
The received results proved the first hypothesis only partially. Meaning development was found to be the most popular type of lexico-semantic transformations in translation only to the Spanish language (22%). The analysis of the Russian translations showed that meaning development was used in only 16% of the cases while addition was found in 20% of the translated paremiological units. As for concretization, generalization and metonymic translation, in both languages the percentage of their usage is quite low and in some cases is even zero, which totally proved our second hypothesis.
The received data allow to identify common for both languages translation features as well as to determine how the language difference affects the choice of translation transformations. These results can be quite useful for the development of the workable model of translation of American English paremiological units to different languages.
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