In this study the prevalence of Aspergillus spp were evaluated. (Cfu / g) and its major metabolite aflatoxin (ppb / g), corn (Zea mays L) stored in three corn silos of National Unity Storage Quevedo - Ecuador, during the first half of 2014 were sampled the west side lateral sides, the half of each silo with two replicates each sample, the samples were taken at 30, 60 and 90 days. The fungal growth was 2.06 105 4.60 105 cfu / g. The determination of aflatoxin was performed by the technique of micro Elisa, a 90 days reported the highest level of 55.71 ppb. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed and means were compared with Duncan test (P <0.05). The samples returned greater than 20 ppb / g mycotoxin which is the maximum allowed by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Ecuadorian Standards Institute (INEN 187: 95) values. It is considered toxic to the corn as food for humans as well as unsafe by, for not complying with microbiological requirements of molds and yeasts than 500 cfu / g (NTE INEN 2051: 1995).
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