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Rural poverty in Ecuador: A brief period analysis 2000-2014
Vol 2. No 5. 2015
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Rural Poverty
Social Investment
Conditional Transfer Programs


How to Cite

Pérez Arévalo, M. A., Arguello Núñez, L. B., & Purcachi Aguirre, W. B. (2015). Rural poverty in Ecuador: A brief period analysis 2000-2014. Revista Publicando, 2(5), 211-225. https://revistapublicando.org/revista/index.php/crv/article/view/88


The aim of this article is to analyze the situation of poverty that have been supporting people living in rural areas of Ecuador. The study considers the policies that governments have taken since 2000-2010 to fight poverty in general and specifically rural. The revision of history, can learn from when it comes dragging this social phenomenon in the country. Furthermore, the social investments they have made past administrations to the current President Rafael Correa are analyzed and coverage levels are compared between countries of Latin America, the PTC Conditional Transfer Programs, which are state investments in human capital prevent intergenerational reproduction of poverty. Finally the correlation between social investment and rural poverty is determined to confirm that when larger amounts of money are allocated to the care of the most vulnerable through transfers, the percentage of urban and rural poverty decreases significantly. The conclusions that can be reached are that one of the causes of rural poverty is due to the inertia of developments since the colonial times, when the Indians were practically slaves or if you will, servants of feudalism adopted America, brought from medieval Europe

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2019 Mario Alejandro Pérez Arévalo, León Benigno Arguello Núñez, Walther Boanerges Purcachi Aguirre


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