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Model of Organization to Process - Case exemplification in a public institution
Vol 3. No 7
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Organization Model
Public Institutions


How to Cite

Saltos Chacán, M. Y., Muñoz Moreta, E. R., & Rodrí­guez Mañay, L. O. (2016). Model of Organization to Process - Case exemplification in a public institution. Revista Publicando, 3(7), 236-256. https://revistapublicando.org/revista/index.php/crv/article/view/86


The aim of the study is to design a model organization processes to achieve productivity in administrative systems - Financial Directorate General of Administration and Finance, DIGAFI public sector. Made with specific guidelines as practice management tool that facilitates the management, decision making, meeting the needs and expectations of the industry. It intended to ensure that the processes are carried out in accordance maximizing institutional effectiveness, achieving a competitive advantage through customer satisfaction and coordination in achieving corporate strategic objectives.
The corresponding dimensions, indicators, techniques and data collection instruments, based on primary sources through technical survey, supported by the instrument called questionnaire applied to the selected sample is required. Order to recognize the validity of the instrument, recourse to expert opinions on the subject before proceeding with your application. The reason for this research are secondary sources such as laws, regulations, directives, manuals mandatory in public organizations, as well as articles, books, web pages and other related processes, information technology publications.
The model consists of eleven organization processes sequential implementation stages, they are: Commitment from Management and Preparation for Change; Defining the Discipline of Value; Structuring of the Sector Strategic Plan Definition and Management Indicators; Strategic Result Areas and Critical Success Factors; Inventory - Dictionary Process; Defining the value chain; Macro Process structure; Organizational Structure by Processes; Value Analysis Processes; Characterization of the structure of the processes Macros and Balanced Scorecard. Model to improve the performance of the institution and user satisfaction.

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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2019 Mary Yesennya Saltos Chacán, Enrique Rafael Muñoz Moreta, Luis Oswaldo Rodrí­guez Mañay


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