In order to develop this work on the external or internal factors or forces that must be analyzed when carrying out a situational diagnosis in a company, it is important to start from the external environment in which the company or organization develops its business activities. This environment or business environment is divided into two, the macroenvironment and the microenvironment, in the first there are forces or factors such as economic, technological, political-legal, natural, demographic and socio-cultural, fundamental aspects that must be analyzed when the organization have decided to carry out a diagnosis for your company. While the microenvironment is made up of forces or factors that are closer to the company but that in the same way influence the daily activities of the company or organization and these are: competition, suppliers, substitutes, customers, intermediaries and the public. Business opportunities and threats are generated in the external environment. While in the internal environment business strengths and weaknesses are determined. This situational analysis of the company makes it possible to carry out the FODA matrix.
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Copyright (c) 2019 José Francisco Taipe Yánez, Jhony Fabian Pazmiño