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Characteristics of the Performance Evaluation for People with Disabilities through the Participatory Approach by Objectives method.
Revista Publicando. Vol2. No 2. 2015
PDF (Spanish)


Performance Management
Performance evaluation
Participatory Approach by Objectives
Labor Competencies


How to Cite

Romero Chico, R. A., & Sosa, A. (2015). Characteristics of the Performance Evaluation for People with Disabilities through the Participatory Approach by Objectives method. Revista Publicando, 2(3), 114-124. https://revistapublicando.org/revista/index.php/crv/article/view/45


The performance evaluation for People with Disabilities is a challenge that can lead to the organization going through impact errors. In this communication it is discussed that the Management of a Performance Administration System for People with Disabilities, through the Participatory Approach by Objectives, is possible, although in this undoubtedly success depends on adequate Communication and Supervision during the evaluation process.

This approach starts from developing the main internal processes: Supervision of Management and Communication as part of the Performance Management system, taking into account disability, type and degree.

This communication details the steps to be considered in the evaluation of people with disabilities from managing Performance Management through the Participatory Approach by Objectives.

PDF (Spanish)


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2019 Rosa Angelica Romero Chico, Alejandra Sosa


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