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Factors that influence the entrepreneurial capacity of students in Higher Education
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TIC educación
investigaciones TIC

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Muñoz Correa, K. E., & Zavala, D. (2017). Factors that influence the entrepreneurial capacity of students in Higher Education. Revista Publicando, 4(10 (1), 406-419. https://revistapublicando.org/revista/index.php/crv/article/view/443


The objective of the present investigation was the documentary review to be able to analyze the influential factors in the entrepreneurial capacity in students of Higher Education Institutions. In order to achieve this objective, the use of a librarianship manager named "Publish or Perish" was developed as a method, which allowed selecting the most updated and referenced literature, regarding the topic dealt with. The results of the research highlight that the development of entrepreneurial capacity should be fostered primarily in the academic environment, but linked to other contexts such as business, practical education, creation of culture and development of new habits.
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