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Analysis of Open Access Latin American journal ́s The case Ecuador
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Google Scholar
Text Mining
Ecuadorian journals


How to Cite

González Alonso, J. A., & Pérez González, Y. (2015). Analysis of Open Access Latin American journal ́s The case Ecuador . Revista Publicando, 2(2), 12-23. https://revistapublicando.org/revista/index.php/crv/article/view/30


From the records of the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) 19 countries with a total of 851 were selected. For these countries five major groups could be considered, which greater number of journal to fewer are:

a) Colombia b) Chile, Argentina c) Cuba, Venezuela d) Costa Rica, Mexico, Peru e) The remaining countries

An analysis in Google Scholar was performed for the 7 Ecuadorian journals registered in DOAJ and indicates that bibliometric indicators in relation to total citations received still remain low. “Iconos” magazine with an h index of 12 and a g index of 19 ranks it as the Ecuadorian open access journal with greatest impact. Text Mining procedures for analyzing the frequency of words in the titles of the 451 articles in Ecuadorian journals were applied indicating that a significant percentage of them are based on reviews of social issues, which is explained by the fact that most of these magazines are those disciplines. The study points the need to continue using Text Mining procedures in the research conducted for all open access journals in Latin America.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2019 Jorge Alberto González Alonso, Yudeisy Pérez González


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