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An overview of undergraduate students’ perceptions on content-based lessons taught in English: An exploratory study conducted in an Ecuadorian university


University Students
English Language
Content-Based Lessons


How to Cite

Ortega-Auquilla, D., Sigüenza-Garzón, P., Cherres-Fajardo, S., & Bonilla-Marchán, A. (2021). An overview of undergraduate students’ perceptions on content-based lessons taught in English: An exploratory study conducted in an Ecuadorian university. Revista Publicando, 8(29), 65-78. https://doi.org/10.51528/rp.vol8.id2183


Currently, the English language has both an important role in university studies and professional careers. With that in mind, the present study employed an exploratory research approach to determine university students’ perceptions with regard to learning course content on curriculum and education-related topics through the implementation of content-based lessons taught in the English language. A survey was administered to 171 students in different majors from one public university in Ecuador. The close-ended questions focused on learning about the respondents’ perceptions concerning varied statements, such as the importance and suitability of the use of English for the learning-teaching process of university subjects, the helpfulness and impact of learning content through the implementation of class sessions taught in English. Furthermore, an open-ended question was put forward to find out in what ways the learning of university subjects taught in English may help the study participants in the future. The findings showed that a large number of respondents had positive attitudes towards learning content-based lessons about the education-related subject matter in English, as they found this instructional process helpful in terms of class participation, motivation, critical thinking, and other aspects. It was concluded that students could better learn the English language in a more genuine manner by means of lessons directed by CLIL, as they complete essential undergraduate courses from their field of study at the university level.



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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2021 Diego Ortega-Auquilla, Paul Sigüenza-Garzón, Sara Cherres-Fajardo, Andrés Bonilla-Marchán


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