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Psychometric analysis of organizational communication test in Ecuadorian companies
Revista Publicando Issue 25 Vol 7
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Methodological research
psychometric analysis
assessment instrument
organizational communication
Ecuadorian organizations

How to Cite

Pazmay Ramos, S. G. (2020). Psychometric analysis of organizational communication test in Ecuadorian companies. Revista Publicando, 7(25), 102-119. https://revistapublicando.org/revista/index.php/crv/article/view/2092


The objective of this study is to analyze the psychometric properties of the Test of Organizational Communication of Portugal in the Ecuadorian organizational context. 571 workers from two Ecuadorian cities answered in situ 15 items of the test. The results indicate that item 14 has a low level of discrimination and is not suitable for measuring the communication construct. The rotated matrix of the AFE indicates that items 1 and 6 are the least contributing to the measurement of their corresponding levels. In the communalities report, item 1 is the least correlated with the other items.
The C.R. indices, the P value, the GFI, and RMSEA are acceptable and tell us that the model has a good fit; the CFI and RMR indices, although they do not have low values, do not reach acceptable values.
The instrument has a good level of reliability; it reaches a Cronbach Alpha of the 0.71 Items 1, 6, and specially 14, according to the corrected element-total correlation analysis, and the composite reliability index, should be analyzed. The inter-item correlation coefficients are mostly high and positive values; and the average inter-item correlation has an acceptable coefficient of 0.42. Convergent and divergent validity are affected by items 1, 6, and 14. It concludes that item 14 must be restructured so that the test reaches a valid factor structure in the organizational context Ecuadorian.

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