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The semantic crisis of the mother tongue and its imaginaries in capitalist societies
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Tubay Zambrano, F. M. (2020). The semantic crisis of the mother tongue and its imaginaries in capitalist societies. Revista Publicando, 7(23), 24-34. https://revistapublicando.org/revista/index.php/crv/article/view/2042


The dichotomous construction of “mother tongue” from the discourse analysis, shows the different statements that describe it from connotations that derive from a semantic and social crisis.   Androcentrism exerts a hegemonic, almost invisible, but highly influential power in the use of language as a communication resource and socialization tool. Therefore, from a documentary methodology and after a seminar gender in the city of Cuenca (Ecuador), it is reviewed here some theoretical approaches that address mother-child relationships, the differences between the father and mother tongue, its emotions and frailties. Besides that, it is examined the grief or resignation, all as social catalysts to justify the loss of a language that, in addition to being a communicative channel, is an instrument of discrimination and oppression that obviates the maximum human expressions, necessary in the formation of citizenship for equality and social justice.

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