This article aims at experimental development on the different parameters that involve DC machines, their operation and those variables that we must consider when choosing a machine with these characteristics, in addition to the possible solutions and aspects that this implies before a possible utility of this type of machine. The objective is to determine the characteristics of the torque based on speed and efficiency. The methodology used was experimental in which it was determined that the speed of any direct current (c-d) motor depends mainly on its armature voltage and the intensity of the magnetic field. A shunt motor, field winding, and armature winding are connected in parallel directly to the direct current (dc) power lines if the direct current line voltage (dc) is constant, the armature voltage and Field strength will be constant too. Therefore, the parallel motor must run at a reasonably constant speed. However, the store speed will decrease when the engine load is increased. The material used to carry out this research was a 120 Vac module, 0-120 Vdc, cd motor/generator module, electrodynamometer, cd measurement modules (200v, 5 A), digital tachometer. Finally, we can indicate that the characteristic of a motor (cd) is that they are more effective to perform jobs that require a constant speed both empty and full load and their efficiency reaches a maximum value of 60% then tends to decrease.
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