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Modelling a Change Acceptance Framework on School Education Reform
Enterprise Organization and Cultural Studies


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Abdul Nasir Syed Mohamad, S. J., Hassan, R., & Abdul Hamid, N. (2019). Modelling a Change Acceptance Framework on School Education Reform. Revista Publicando, 6(19), 79-99. https://revistapublicando.org/revista/index.php/crv/article/view/1918


Over the years, there is plenitude of studies in regards to managing change. While the change itself is becoming more volatile in times, scholars are struggling to find new strategies that can help to favour institutional change as change itself is an inevitable norm. Past research reveal disturbing figures of current institutional change failure rate as the rate is still dominant throughout the years. Looking on the education perspective, change in education has created unprecedented ways of how learning can take place. Educational transformation programme and its importance to the teaching and learning pedagogy has faced a wave of change every day and indirectly promotes many challenges. Through the synthesis of secondary data, this research conceptualized two-opposite pole of change resistance and change acceptance while exploring the mediating effect of engagement. Due to limited numbers of study in this area, this research proposed a framework of change acceptance to improve ways of dealing with change holistically. Accordingly, by assessing the components of the proposed framework which contains essential yet proven components of change, the framework will give more insight to relevant bodies in formulating ways to ensure a successful change can take place.



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