The behavior of the child is one of the important dimensions of his mental health and will have significant consequences in his future life. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of teaching Hollywood animations on the components of children's socialization. Using cluster sampling, 30 male students of elementary school in Bushehr city were selected. The instruments used in the study included Gersham and Elliot Social Skills Questionnaire (1990). The executive protocol also lasts for 12 sessions (2 90-minute sessions per week) including three Walt Disney Company, Pixar, and DreamWorks (2013-2016) animations, taking into account socialization factors including personal hygiene, party conventions Or collecting personal belongings. The analysis of covariance showed that there is a significant difference between the mean post-test scores of the experimental group and the control group's post-test, in terms of the degree of socialization, namely, cooperation, self-expression and self-containment. Therefore, the teaching of Hollywood animations can be used for the socialization of children.
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