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The Challenges of Marketing in the Digital Era
Vol 6 (20)
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Vega Chica, M. L., & González González, S. (2019). The Challenges of Marketing in the Digital Era. Revista Publicando, 6(20), 24-33. https://revistapublicando.org/revista/index.php/crv/article/view/1634


The present article has a qualitative approach, where the main challenges that the Marketing areas have in the era of disruptive technologies are presented. At the same time, it examines the opportunities offered by the same technologies to deal with the capture, management and treatment of large volumes of information scattered in different sources, whose heterogeneous, unstructured data concentrate the basic elements to develop invaluable information to the departments. of Marketing, given that there would be market trends, attributes and ideal characteristics to develop products and services tailored to consumers.
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