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Supported employment model for the employment of people with mild intellectual disability in Ecuador
Vol 3. No 7
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Intellectual disabilities
Labor inclusion
Model Supported Employment


How to Cite

Romero Chico, R. A., & Lucero Albán, P. (2016). Supported employment model for the employment of people with mild intellectual disability in Ecuador. Revista Publicando, 3(7), 57-68. https://revistapublicando.org/revista/index.php/crv/article/view/106


The inclusion of people with mild intellectual disabilities in organizations (hereinafter ICDP), is a real challenge not only for labor, but also for professionals and family involved.
We offer the academic community - scientific analysis and proposed model for social and labor inclusion in Ecuador; detailing the importance, usefulness of social analysis and management proposal to potentiate existing intellectual capacities ahead of Persons with Intellectual Disability. Technically it becomes important to develop a model of inclusive, dynamic partner that adds strength to meet the legal and social requirements established for disabled people management. Today in Ecuador, we propose a model of Supported Employment, which benefits: businesses and society to meet the development of talents and life skills (Corporation for Studies and Publications, 2012.). An innovative model, which recasts the AECID Project - COCEMFE through nine criteria which meet the requirements of the ICDP, their immediate families, educational institutions, entrepreneurs and professionals. The awareness for the support model is like the blood that gives life to the body; for attitudinal change, breaking barriers and participation at work.

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Copyright (c) 2019 Rosa Angelica Romero Chico, Patricia Lucero Albán


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