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Typology and Stylistics of the Russian Empire Estates
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Akhmetshina, G. R., Yao, M. K., Salakhov, R. F., & Pozdnyakova, K. G. (2017). Typology and Stylistics of the Russian Empire Estates. Revista Publicando, 4(13 (3), 709-717. https://revistapublicando.org/revista/index.php/crv/article/view/957


The article considers Russian estate as a unique cultural phenomenon. Its main feature is a structural coherence of all the elements connected in a single ensemble. Its utilitarian and spiritual functions are seamlessly combined in the estate. The whole architectonics of the estate is a materialized model of a holistic, harmonious spiritual world that embodies the ideas of the enlightened world and saturated with symbols, allegories and metaphors. The typology of Russian estate is examined in accordance with the shape and size of ownership. Structural parts of the estate complex are considered from the perspective of the general ideological plan. The specific features of Russian country estate Empire are revealed. The defining features of the artistic image of Empire estates are harmony and consistency. The connection of the architectural ensemble of the estate with the environment is specially pointed. The interior of the Russian Empire estates is distinguished by stylistic unity of all its elements, and its orderliness. The objects of applied art, as a part of the interior, are a unique combination of European style with elements of national identity. One of the examples of such uniqueness is a good paraphrase of the texture of Karelian birch with French ash-tree cap. The decor of floor and painting of ceilings, lighting, stoves and fireplaces are harmonized to each other and to the overall architecture of the estate.  

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