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The Category Of Time In The Narrative Structure Of Faulkner”™s Novel “The Light In August”
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Anatolevna Nilova, M., & Aleksandrovna Zakharova, N. (2017). The Category Of Time In The Narrative Structure Of Faulkner”™s Novel “The Light In August”. Revista Publicando, 4(13 (2), 802-811. https://revistapublicando.org/revista/index.php/crv/article/view/941


The article given is aimed at demonstrating innovative techniques applied by William Faulkner in the novel "Light in August". Significance of the research is caused by great interest to Faulkner's works which have had a great effect on the development of fiction. The content side of his novels has been examined by plenty of critics from various perspectives. Our paper is devoted to the mechanism of the narrative itself. The complexity of the problems mentioned in the novel affected the complex composition of the novel in which a few independent stories go together. Faulkner makes incredible experiments with the chronology of the narrative, uses the technique of "stream of consciousness". The innovative approach of William Faulkner to the mechanism of the narrative remained unchanged. To study the subject the following methods were used: theoretical literature study, a descriptive method, analysis of characters”™ timelines. The results achieved were as follows: determining the line of the primary narrative, understanding the temporal organization of the elements of the narrative.

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