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The Implementation of Project-Oriented Management Model in the Educational Sphere
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Diferencias Raciales
Educación en Tecnologías
Investigaciones del colectivo Negro
Educación Igualitaria
Política Pública

Cómo citar

Felixovna Palei, T., Anatolievna Gurianova, E., Anatolievna Mechtcheriakova, S., & Andreevich Afonin, P. (2017). The Implementation of Project-Oriented Management Model in the Educational Sphere. Revista Publicando, 4(13 (2), 661-670. https://revistapublicando.org/revista/index.php/crv/article/view/927


Due to the purpose of entry into the world rankings of universities, there is a need for increase in management effectiveness of educational and innovative activity. With growth of changes, dynamics of consumers demand flexibility of organizational processes and structures has to grow. One of mechanisms of such transformation of the higher school is project-oriented management. Each educational, research, entrepreneurial, administrative project can be considered as the independent market product significantly raising indicators of university activity. Participants of educational process are integrated into development of projects therefore Groups of design training during study work on the solution of specific problems of customers that increases interest of business in university. The purposes of project-oriented model of university management are described, stages and results of model introduction are represented in the article. It is concluded that the internal system of a project-oriented university acquires the features of an entrepreneurial organization, according to which the main task of the organization's management is not the planning and monitoring of workers' actions, but the creation of favorable conditions for the initiative and the full support of personnel implementing projects in accordance with the strategy development.

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