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Text Complexity In Russian Textbooks On Social Studies
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Gabitov, A., Solnyshkina, M., Shayakhmetova, L., Ilyasova, L., & Aкbarova, S. (2017). Text Complexity In Russian Textbooks On Social Studies. Revista Publicando, 4(13 (2), 597-606. https://revistapublicando.org/revista/index.php/crv/article/view/919


Presented paper reveals the problem of the mixed complexity of authentic texts used in Russian textbooks, on a basis of textbook on social studies for 8th grade. The requirements of the Federal State Education Standards for the text content of textbooks and the rules for expert review of the educational literature included in the federal list of recommended textbooks were studied. To conduct the research, a number of formulas for the readability of the texts developed and studied by foreign and Russian scientists to assess the complexity of the text were used. The analysis of statistical parameters was conducted in order to reveal the relationship between the quantitative parameters and the content of the texts. The main results presented in the article demonstrate that 7 out 16 assessed texts meet the declared complexity of the textbook, according to the formulas of readability. More than half of the texts show an exceedance of the level of complexity. A more detailed analysis also reveals the presence in the texts of qualitative elements potentially creating complexity for reading and understanding. The results of the study indicate the necessity for an in-depth study of the problem of assessing the complexity of texts used in Russian textbooks.

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