The given article is devoted to the study of video games as a relevant method of teaching some subjects` themes, e.g. from history, biology, English, etc. Games that are played by learners differ in the form as well as function. As far as video games are concerned, they might exercise both mental and physical features, train special required skills for a number of jobs, educate players about events and phenomena in the world, research and understand natural human processes, and they could be used for a number of other purposes, doubtless. Here we come closer to the fact that especially videogames could be a solution and way-out if all the work on lesson is well organized. All that results in fact that teachers and instructors should know how opportunities in order to take advantages from students` passion for playing could be used on lessons. In this paper also advantages and disadvantages of the relevant method of teaching and learning through games are revealed. According to the conducted analysis on several the most popular educational video games we drew conclusions on its effectiveness as a modern method of teaching. The paper suggests ways in which video games can be used as research and measurement tools, as prevention and treatment strategies, and as a way to facilitate education.
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