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Charity and development of public education in the russian province in second half XIX – early XX century.
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Palabras clave

análisis estadístico
educación física
entrenamiento deportivo

Cómo citar

Vladimirovna, M. I., Evgenjevna, K. I., & Rauilovna, S. R. (2017). Charity and development of public education in the russian province in second half XIX – early XX century. Revista Publicando, 4(13 (2), 429-436. https://revistapublicando.org/revista/index.php/crv/article/view/901


Under capitalist modernization and active development of entrepreneurship, the issues related to public education has become of special importance for society. The development of education in the Russian province is of particular interest. As an example, information on the development of public education in the Elabuga district of Vyatka province is provided. During the period of great reforms, after the establishment of district councils (zemstvo), public participation in the development of public education became more active. A vivid representative of this participation was the merchant class, which sought to render significant assistance in the development of local education through the construction of school buildings, large monetary donations, the development of local libraries, and the welfare of public teachers. As the Elabuga parish was the place where the foreign population (Tatars, Chuvashs, Udmurts, Mari, and Mordva) lived, a special place among these merits of the merchant class is given to the development of education among non-Russians, including the publication of textbooks in their native language. Such an initiative contributed to the development of local public education and the enhancement of the professional status of people's teaching.  

This paper uses special methods of scientific knowledge. The comparative method makes it possible to compare the obtained statistical data. The use of the method of historical reconstruction allows us to recreate the picture of the development of public education in the Vyatka province. For an objective evaluation of the data obtained, the historical retrospection method is used.

In the course of the study, the authors came to the conclusion that the merchant class played a special role in the development of public education by providing material, financial, humanitarian and educational assistance.  

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News of Vyatka diocese.– 1903 – No.24. – P. 10.

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