Organizational culture is one of effective significant factors of accepting organizational change thereby changes are facilitated and organization adopts new orientations. According to the increasing role of hospitals in preserving human life and health promotion, the present research is conducted to study the effect of organizational culture on employee attitude towards organizational change in Zabol Medical Science University. Research statistical population included all employees of Zabol Medical Science University in 2016. 340 of 3200 employees were randomly selected through clustering sampling method as research sample. Research instrumentations comprised Organizational Culture Assessment Questionnaire (OCAQ) by Parsons and Attitude to Organizational Change Questionnaire, the reliability of which obtained 0.88 and 0.91 using Cronbach”™s alpha. Then, research results were analyzed using t-independent test, ANOVA, and regression. Findings showed that organizational culture and the components may significantly influence employee attitudes towards organizational change in Zabol Medical Science University.
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