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Methodology the Concept of the Unity of the Category of "Claim" in the Material and Procedural Sense
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Giorgievich Okriashvili, T., & Gumarovich Yakupov, A. (2017). Methodology the Concept of the Unity of the Category of "Claim" in the Material and Procedural Sense. Revista Publicando, 4(13 (3), 578-584. https://revistapublicando.org/revista/index.php/crv/article/view/874


The essence of category "claim" concerning its understanding in material and legal and procedural and legal aspect was and remains at the moment one of the problem subjects in the legal doctrine. The above-stated conclusion is states that the modern legal framework has no official concept of "claim"; thereby the legislator provides a scope to scientists-jurists by means of ways, concepts and theories to define the legal nature of "claim". In this scientific article the sense of "claim" as uniform category in material and procedural aspect is revealed. Authors analyze the domestic legal doctrine, as well as the modern legislation in the field of the study subject is investigated. Value for the theory of the state and the law, the analysis of the real subject of a research consists in need of judgment of the approaches to understanding the category "claim" available in the legal doctrine and justification of the theory of unity as only true both for branch and theoretical science, and for law enforcement. Relevance of work is caused by the fact that periodically there is a reforming of the civil and procedural and arbitration and procedural legislation, as well as emergence of new types of judiciary in Russia, for example administrative legal proceedings, as well as also the material and legal beginnings of the studied category remain in view of what need of its analysis for this context is timely and logical.

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