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The analysis of algorithms of adoption of basic administrative decisions at Industrial Enterprises
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Nikolaevich Karamyshev, A. (2017). The analysis of algorithms of adoption of basic administrative decisions at Industrial Enterprises. Revista Publicando, 4(13 (3), 472-487. https://revistapublicando.org/revista/index.php/crv/article/view/866


We can define four basic management decisions at the industrial enterprise: increase in output of manufactured products, production of new products, modernization of production business processes, modernization of technologies that support business processes. Each of these decisions should be economically justified. The justification of modernization of technologies for the implementation of business processes at an industrial enterprise is based on the business plans for the investment projects. The rationale for modernization of the technologies of the main (production) business processes is not complicated, the calculations of project efficiency indicators are based primarily on the linear dependencies. The rationale for modernization of the technologies of auxiliary (supporting) business processes is more complex. Firstly, all the auxiliary business processes are linked together into a single network, which means that changing the technologies of a single business process can have an impact on the related business processes and the entire network. Secondly, it is necessary to take into account closed economic cycles of interrelations between the auxiliary business processes. Thirdly, the technologies of implementing the auxiliary business processes are rarely modeled at the industrial enterprises, as a result, they are a "black box" for the decision-makers. These specific features complicate the economic justification of the modernization projects for the technologies of auxiliary business processes. The following key factors make influence on making the management decision on the additional release of already produced products or the organization of production of new products: the level of loading the technological capacities; the capacity of the market segment of the product planned for production; the need for additional equipment, personnel, working capital and the cost of these resources. Based on the decision made, an enterprise should receive a competitive advantage in the form of additional profit; cost reduction; increase in market share; receipt of additional technological capabilities and competencies. The management decision is made on the basis of calculations of the main indicators of the investment project and business plan.

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