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Cultural Pluralism in the Educational Environment of Higher School by Training History Teachers
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Vladimirovna, M. I., Evgenjevna, K. I., Vladimirovna, P. N., & Rauilovna, S. R. (2017). Cultural Pluralism in the Educational Environment of Higher School by Training History Teachers. Revista Publicando, 4(13 (2), 148-157. https://revistapublicando.org/revista/index.php/crv/article/view/817


The features of the socio-cultural deformation and loss of human identity in modern society, caused by actively developing technologizing processes and continuous growth in consumption are shown in the modern economy. In these circumstances the formation of a harmoniously developed personality with the cultural-historical outlook that fits into the image of a multicultural person is of particular relevance.

Federal government standard of higher education in the direction of bachelors training "Teacher education" establishes ideas of multiculturalism in a whole series of graduate competences: the ability to work in a team, to perceive social, cultural and personal differences tolerantly; the ability to identify and shape the cultural needs of different social groups.

A special role in the process of formation of tolerant perception of social and cultural differences, respect for the historical heritage and cultural characteristics of the peoples is entrusted to the teacher of history. Multicultural focus of teacher training make such personal qualities as cultural pluralism.

Formation of the personality of the future teacher in the conditions of anthropological turn in historical studies provides for its educational field study not only the events, phenomena and processes of the past, but also the mentality, the culture category of individuals and peoples, that contributes to the multicultural perception of history.

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