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Coopetición. Una revisión de la literatura

Palabras clave

ventaja competitiva
gestión de costos

Cómo citar

Hurtado Yugcha, J. del P. (2017). Coopetición. Una revisión de la literatura. Revista Publicando, 3(9), 542-552. https://revistapublicando.org/revista/index.php/crv/article/view/379


Este artí­culo se propuso realizar una revisión bibliográfica sobre las publicaciones reportadas sobre “coopetition”. A partir de la revisión realizada en Scopus se pudo analizar la distribución de 265 referencias por año, disciplina y por paí­ses. Se pudieron precisar los artí­culos de mayor impacto en esta temática.

Como direcciones investigativas de importancia se determinaron:

a)           Aplicación de la Teorí­a de juegos

b)           Relación de la coopetición con la Innovación.

c)           El análisis de la relación entre la distribución del conocimiento y la coopetición.

Se analiza que la  coopetición es un campo de investigación en pleno desarrollo en que la misma definición del término  necesita ser refinada y deben desarrollarse investigaciones que permitan  comprender como esta  afecta los modelos de negocios



Barone, T. A. (1995). Coopetition: The wave of the future. Catholic healthcare providers must work with others to remain viable. Health progress (Saint Louis, Mo.), 76(1), 51-52.

Bengtsson, M., et al.Kock, S. (2000). "Coopetition" in business networks - to cooperate and compete simultaneously. Industrial Marketing Management, 29(5), 411-426.

Cleghorn, G. D. (1992). Coopetition in rural health education: The south carolina ahec model. The Journal of the South Carolina Medical Association, 88(10), 462-465.

Chevallier, C., Laarraf, Z., Lacam, J. S., Miloudi, A., et al.Salvetat, D. (2016). Competitive intelligence, knowledge management and coopetition: The case of european high-technology firms. Business Process Management Journal, 22(6), 1192-1211. doi: 10.1108/BPMJ-11-2015-0161

Chin, K. S., Chan, B. L., et al.Lam, P. K. (2008). Identifying and prioritizing critical success factors for coopetition strategy. Industrial Management and Data Systems, 108(4), 437-454. doi: 10.1108/02635570810868326

Dorn, S., Schweiger, B., et al.Albers, S. (2016). Levels, phases and themes of coopetition: A systematic literature review and research agenda. European Management Journal, 34(5), 484-500. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.emj.2016.02.009

Estrada, I., Faems, D., et al.de Faria, P. (2015). Coopetition and product innovation performance: The role of internal knowledge sharing mechanisms and formal knowledge protection mechanisms. Industrial Marketing Management. doi: 10.1016/j.indmarman.2015.11.013

Friedman, B. A., et al.Barnes, B. W. (1992). Client-server design provides model for 'coopetition' alliances. Computers in healthcare, 13(9), 38-39.

Granata, J., Géraudel, M., Gundolf, K., Gast, J., et al.Marquí¨s, P. (2016). Organisational innovation and coopetition between smes: A tertius strategies approach. International Journal of Technology Management, 71(1-2), 81-99. doi: 10.1504/IJTM.2016.077975

Loebbecke, C., et al.Angehrn, A. (2010). Knowledge management under coopetition Encyclopedia of knowledge management (Vol. 1, pp. 791-803).

Luo, X., Slotegraaf, R. J., et al.Pan, X. (2006). Cross-functional "coopetition": The simultaneous role of cooperation and competition within firms. Journal of Marketing, 70(2), 67-80. doi: 10.1509/jmkg.70.2.67

Luo, Y. (2005). Toward coopetition within a multinational enterprise: A perspective from foreign subsidiaries. Journal of World Business, 40(1), 71-90. doi: 10.1016/j.jwb.2004.10.006

Luo, Y. (2007). A coopetition perspective of global competition. Journal of World Business, 42(2), 129-144. doi: 10.1016/j.jwb.2006.08.007

Okura, M., et al.Carfi, D. (2014). Coopetition and game theory. Journal of Applied Economic Sciences, 9(3), 457-466.

Qi, G. Q., Yang, X. H., et al.Li, S. (2006). Coopetition analysis of clustered network supply chain by repetitive game theory. Dongbei Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Northeastern University, 27(2), 233-236.

Ritala, P., et al.Hurmelinna-Laukkanen, P. (2009). What's in it for me? Creating and appropriating value in innovation-related coopetition. Technovation, 29(12), 819-828. doi: 10.1016/j.technovation.2009.07.002

Ritala, P., et al.Hurmelinna-Laukkanen, P. (2013). Incremental and radical innovation in coopetition-the role of absorptive capacity and appropriability. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 30(1), 154-169. doi: 10.1111/j.1540-5885.2012.00956.x

Ritala, P., Ví¤limí¤ki, K., Blomqvist, K., et al.Henttonen, K. (2009). Intrafirm coopetition, knowledge creation and innovativeness Coopetition strategy: Theory, experiments and cases (pp. 64-73).

Tsai, W. (2002). Social structure of "coopetition" within a multiunit organization: Coordination, competition, and intraorganizational knowledge sharing. Organization Science, 13(2), 179-190.

Velu, C. (2015). Evolutionary or revolutionary business model innovation through coopetition? The role of dominance in network markets. Industrial Marketing Management. doi: 10.1016/j.indmarman.2015.11.007

Wang, Y., et al.Krakover, S. (2008). Destination marketing: Competition, cooperation or coopetition? International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 20(2), 126-141. doi: 10.1108/09596110810852122

Weber, S. (1991). Executive briefing. Anatomy of 'coopetition'. Electronics, 64(8), 37-38.

Wemmer, F., Emrich, E., et al.Koenigstorfer, J. (2016). The impact of coopetition-based open innovation on performance in nonprofit sports clubs. European Sport Management Quarterly, 16(3), 341-363. doi: 10.1080/16184742.2016.1164735

Werner, K., Dickson, G., et al.Hyde, K. F. (2015). Coopetition and knowledge transfer dynamics: New zealand's regional tourism organizations and the 2011 rugby world cup. Event Management, 19(3), 365-380. doi: 10.3727/152599515X14386220874841

Wood, L. C. (2012). Coopetition in supply chains: A case study of a coopetitive structure in the horticulture industry Customer-oriented global supply chains: Concepts for effective management (pp. 76-93).

Yami, S., Castaldo, S., Dagnino, G. B., et al.Le Roy, F. (2010). Coopetition: Winning strategies for the 21st century.

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