Today, structural safety against natural disasters such as earthquake is one of the major concerns of structural engineers. In recent years, various methods have been proposed to retrofit structure which among them, structural control systems have been considered. Active control system is one of the effective systems for reducing the effects of earthquake and response structures, it”™s like that, this has been of great importance to the long – order process and creating high – rise building. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of fuzzy controller on the response of structures by presenting a numerical model related to a long structure by taking into account the fuzzy logic. After describing the structure equations of the study, the principles of the fuzzy controller are designed and then, using numerical model and taking into account the acceleration of different earthquakes, the structure response is compared and analyzed in different states. The results of the research show that the fuzzy controller provides a good performance in reducing the structure response and controlling it with a significant reduction in the volume of computations and the need for complex calculations.Referencias
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