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A Simple Method to Calculate Time Delay Due to the Sun Gravitational Field
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Palabras clave

Análisis de datos
Almacén de datos
Cuadro de Mando Integral
Inteligencia de Negocio
Minería de Datos

Cómo citar

Bashiri, E. (2018). A Simple Method to Calculate Time Delay Due to the Sun Gravitational Field. Revista Publicando, 5(16 (1), 855-860. https://revistapublicando.org/revista/index.php/crv/article/view/1551


Although some experimental and theoretical methods have been discovered to measure time delay of a beam of light passing close to the Sun caused by its gravitational field, one interesting subject is still remained that could be under consideration; this is difference between times derived from Schwarzschild metric and what is shall be recorded if no gravity affects. This difference is dealt with as a hypothetical metric. It is obvious that in reality space is not flat and gravitational field impacts spacetime; however, assuming and considering a flat spacetime and analyzing its difference from Schwarzschild metric helps to understand how much time is delayed due to General Relativistic effects of objects of the universe. What is calculated in this paper is the amount in existence of the Sun alone. Effects of entire the universe could be subject of future studies.

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A. Einstein, General Relativity, Khwarizmi Press, Iran, 1984.

C. M. Will, Was Einstein Right?, Putting General Relativity to the Test, Ghoghnus Publications, Iran, 1995.

L. D. Landau, E. M. Lifshitz, A Shorter Course of Theoretical Physics, Volume 1, Mechanics and Electrodynamics, First edition, Razi Press, Iran, 1972.

Christian, Magnan, Deviation of Light Near the Sun in General Relativity, (France, 2007), online at: http://www.lacosmo.com/DeflectionOfLight/index.html.

Irwin I. Shapiro, 1964Fourth Test of General Relativity, Physical Review Letters 13 (26): 789–791

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