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Development of state-confessional relations of tatarstan in conditions of the islamic-orthodox majority
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Nafikov, I. Z., & Nabiev, R. A. (2018). Development of state-confessional relations of tatarstan in conditions of the islamic-orthodox majority. Revista Publicando, 5(16 (1), 717-724. https://revistapublicando.org/revista/index.php/crv/article/view/1538


The article considers the experience of the last two decades on the implementation of confessional politics in conditions of the approximate quantitative balance between Muslims and Orthodox in Tatarstan, which is one of the largest polyethnic regions of the Russian Federation. The importance of the formation of the public institution "Culture, Religion and Society", which contributes to the scientific analysis of religious processes and the application in practice of a winning concept of the scientific, cultural and legal impact on religious revival in practice on a long-term basis, was emphasised. Important areas for the creation of conditions for the development of inter-religious dialogue and achievement of interethnic peace and an atmosphere of mutual respect were singled out. It is shown that the development of the legislative base, the development of religious education, cooperation in the social sphere, and the extension of educational practices to prevent the spread of religious and political extremist currents are important vectors for the development of state-confessional relations. Concrete steps and measures to promote the harmonisation of the development of interethnic and inter-confessional relations were noted. In particular, the announcement on an equal basis of non-working days of Islamic and Orthodox holidays, the restoration of "places of historical memory" within the republican "Renaissance" fund, supporting the activities of the Assembly of the Nations of the Republic, the organisation of visits to iconic places and events with national and religious content, the establishment of the Presidential Council republic on interethnic and inter-confessional relations.

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