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Investigating the relationship between life orientation, self-acceptance and interpersonal dependence among divorced women
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Seyedan, S. A., Rezaee, K., & Zahedi, P. (2018). Investigating the relationship between life orientation, self-acceptance and interpersonal dependence among divorced women. Revista Publicando, 5(16 (1), 581-589. https://revistapublicando.org/revista/index.php/crv/article/view/1535


Family is a social system and a pattern of behavior of individuals, who are emotionally dependent to each other and have a common past with efforts to meet the needs of family members (Balcony and Kai, quoted by Mohammad Pour, 2016). Although marriage as a prerequisite for the formation of a family provides the context for the interconnection of generations and ensures the consolidation and transfer of the culture of society from the previous generation to the new generation, however, families are not always able to perform social interactions, direct their members to a special purpose and maintain the integrity of their group. In this case, family disputes can lead to the loss of social bonding of marriages and the occurrence of divorce and provide grounds for generational disruption (Riahi, Mubarak, and BahramiKakvand, 2007; Balcony, quoted by Mohammad Pour, 2016). One of the factors that can play an important role in life satisfaction is the "optimism". Optimism shows a general expectation that the individual feels on the basis of it that good results will occur when problems arise. This expectation covers more the vital aspects of the individual”™s life. Research has shown that the quality of family life is closely related to the mental health of family members (Shakibayee, 2007). The negative consequences of divorce are high. Divorce is a psychological phenomenon that affects not only on the couples themselves but also on their children, relatives and friends and close relatives (Nasr-Isfahani et al., 2004).

The method of this research is correlation and also Pearson correlation statistical method. The statistical population is the divorced women of TorbatHeydarieh, whose divorce was registered at the notarial marriage and divorce registry in the first 7 months of 2018. The sample of this study is from 50 female divorced women who have been selected by simple mathematical method. The instruments for collecting the research are 1- life-orientation questionnaire and 2- interpersonal dependency questionnaire 3- Unconditional admission. Correlation results showed that there is a significant relationship between each component i.e. there wasa significant negative relationship between interpersonal dependence and unconditional admission and also there was a significant positive correlation between interpersonal dependence with the life direction and self-acceptance.

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