Introduction and goal: the emergence of information era, modern technologies in the field of information, unpredictable growth on information and storing technologies, organizing, retrieval and access to information require necessary skills of information literacy. The main aim of the study is to determine the skill of information literacy of students in Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences. Materials and methods: this study is applied survey type and the tool of gathering questionnaire has been proposed based on 5 standards of information literacy of higher education of Association of College and Research Libraries. The sample of statistical population includes 242 students of Medicine, Para medicine, Nursing, and Hygiene faculties in different majors and grades of internship and training courses in Imam Khomeini hospital in Kermanshah in 2017. The data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics of Mann Whitney Kruskal Wallis & Spearman in statistical software of SPSS-22. Findings: information literacy of statistical population, 3.10 ±0.415, upper than median limit. There was a significant difference between the score of students”™ information literacy mean and gender in all standard indicators of information literacy to the superiority of males according to Mann Whitney test (P<5%). Discussion and conclusion: students”™ information literacy is upper than average limit among the universities of country. It was less in girls in all standards. The reason of that is likely lack of computer facilities and the tools of accessing to internet in dormitories and pavilions of students and also the limitation of commuting to coffee nets. The investigation is recommended to be done with more sample volume and also the reason of information literacy shortage to be studied in gender.
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