In the article such conjunction particles as tak (so), vse-taki (after all), vse zhe (still), vse ravno (all the same), tem ne meneye (nevertheless) the meaning of which are connected with a culturological tendency of modern Russian language are studied. Viewing the analogs of the conjunctions with the account of this aspect causes the relevance and novelty of work. The purpose of the research is to describe compound sentences with the analogs of the conjunctions in the light of current trends of changes in the language system. Drawn conclusions: 1) the category of uncertainty peculiar to the Russian mentality at the syntactic level is expressed by undifferentiated relations; 2) undifferentiated relations are marked by the analogs of the conjunctions (tak (so), vse-taki (after all), vse zhe (still), vse ravno (all the same), tem ne meneye (nevertheless)) appearing owing to the replacement of double clamps with single; 3) polypredicative formations with the analogs of the conjunctions (in many cases capable to be replaced with coordinate conjunctions) can't be referred to the sphere of the coordination as these analogs mark a post-positive part of the formations as dependent; therefore it is logical to define relations in such formations as being out of the opposition "coordination – subordination"; 4) one of the causes of undifferentiated relations are current trends of changes of the language system: a) the staticizing (fragmentary) prose leading to the destruction of subordinative constructions, b) emergence of the newspeak accompanied with "diffutisation" and "secretion" of new word formations and meanings of the known words and expressions.
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