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Analysis of communicative acts of disagreement in the chineese language in the context of the work of Mo yan ”˜the republic of wine”™
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Tecnologías de la información y la comunicación
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Deputatova, N. A., Biktagirova, Z. A., Lin, G., & Kasimov, O. H. (2018). Analysis of communicative acts of disagreement in the chineese language in the context of the work of Mo yan ”˜the republic of wine”™. Revista Publicando, 5(16 (1), 400-408. https://revistapublicando.org/revista/index.php/crv/article/view/1509


In this article communicative acts of disagreement are contemplated in terms of pragmatics and semantics on the basis of the novel “The Republic of Wine” by Mo Yan. The relevance of the study of speech units, especially communicative acts of disagreement, is preconditioned by the prevalence of dialogical speech in the sphere of modern communication. The attempts to define and arrange basic distinctive features of communicative acts in the Chinese speech, to consider their semantics in a communicative situation and pragmatic forms of use were made in the given research. It was concluded that in most cases the type of disagreement depends upon numerous pragmatic factors that might influence the interlocutors”™ choice of means to express objection. In the course of the study, it was concluded that the Chinese, by their nature, are people following their traditions and foundations that were adopted many centuries ago. Regardless of the situation, the inhabitants of China in most cases will be polite in the process of communication, thinking about the interlocutor and respecting his opinion. Thus, in most cases, the Chinese speech acts of disagreement will sound as indirect initial remarks.

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