The contracted words in many world languages are intricate for linguodidactic practice. It is determined by the peculiarities of their etymology, semantics and functioning, the branched typology, an ambiguity of the status in lexical and grammatical subsystems, the difficulties in getting on to their phonetics and orthologically correct use in speech. Nevertheless, abbreviation has fortified its positions among productive ways of word building for the last hundred years. And numerous significant extralinguistic factors are indicative of this tendency to have been kept in future. In this connection the task to teach the students to competently use abbreviations in different communicative situations comes to be essential. This problem assumes the nature of a special acuteness in foreign audience as familiarization with the abbreviations of a studied language for a foreign speaker is not simply an introduction to new vocabulary but revelation of the culture-specific concepts encoded in them.
Abbreviation as a linguistic phenomenon have been studied quite good from different positions, though on the basis of the material of Latin languages than of Slavonic languages. As for the use of this knowledge in linguodidactics, the situation concerning the Russian language leaves much to be desired. This fact determines an important topicality of our investigation. We make the solution of the problem how to organize an effective work in learning Russian abbreviations by Slovak students in the classes of RFL our aim. To achieve it, we used the methods of analysis of linguistic and didactic material offered in Slovak manuals in RFL, observed the students learning abbreviations in different teaching situations, marked the difficulties being arisen and mistakes. The material presented in the article can be useful for preparing for courses in lexicology, grammar, specialized translation, as well as in compiling manuals and dictionaries.Referencias
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