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The effectiveness of drama methods in the development of communication skills
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Gabitova, L., Shayakhmetova, L., & Beisembayeva, Z. (2018). The effectiveness of drama methods in the development of communication skills. Revista Publicando, 5(16 (1), 308-315. https://revistapublicando.org/revista/index.php/crv/article/view/1501


Drama in education is not a novelty. However, despite the fact that using drama method has been thoroughly developed in European countries, Canada and the USA, the analysis of the Russian scientific literature on this issue indicates that the use of drama techniques in Russian schools and universities is very limited. The didactic capabilities of dramatization have not revealed to the full extent, technology of using drama method in teaching foreign languages has not been developed. Thus it makes further research on the stated problem relevant. The purpose of this article is not to argue that drama is the only way of teaching, but to show the importance of drama as a supplemental tool in teaching and learning foreign languages. For our research we created a special didactic drama techniques program for TEFL students. For a year students of an experimental group have been taught using all methods of drama pedagogy, such as applied drama, reader”™s theater, scripted and process drama. Following methods were used to conduct the survey: a questionnaire of students to reveal their initial and post level of interest in theatrical activity; a test for evaluating students”™ motivation to learn the English language; a test to measure their initial and post level of speaking skills. Post-tests analysis showed that the use of drama techniques promotes the development of quick thinking, creativity and emotional expressiveness. In comparison to the control group, the experimental group students were able to speak more accurately, quickly and with expression. Their speech was characterized by absence of great pauses. Furthermore, they were more creative in delivering their speech, even weaker students with a low level of vocabulary and grammar remembered and implemented appropriately phrases from the plays they had performed.

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