The number as one of the constants of the global culture is a logical and cultural phenomenon, and the study of such phenomenon in each national language enables to define its conceptual features and particulars of interaction of the language and the culture.
Folklore works which contain names of numbers in their composition can show the features of the language pictures of the world of different nations clearly and vividly, in which the national features are combined in a peculiar way. It is known that numbers used in folk tales show different linguistic traditions. Linguistic-cultural analysis of numbers involves the study of numerical concepts, taking into account their linguistic, etymological and national cultural characteristics. This article aims to study the ethno-cultural symbols of the numbers in Tatar and Russian languages, found in the folk tales of these peoples. The relevance of this paper is conditioned with the fact that results of researches of the numerological code of the Tatar and Russian languages help to identify the common and the unique in the linguistic world image of ethnically different peoples that have contacted for a long time. The purpose of this paper is to describe lexical semantical properties of the number symbolism in the Tatar and Russian languages in the linguistic cultural aspect. Comparison of the philosophic understanding of the world image from the perspective of numbers, analysis of their symbolism with different peoples enables to analyses the specificity of their world outlook and to better understand common languages specific for the linguistic semantics, to establish the link between the language and the culture, to demonstrate the real significance of each of the components of the semantic structure of the world in the diachronous and synchronous perspectives.Referencias
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