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The process of formation of values in its orientation to the linguistic consciousness of members of a certain socio-cultural community
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Kuzmina, E. K., Danilova, O. A., & Berezovskaya, Y. L. (2018). The process of formation of values in its orientation to the linguistic consciousness of members of a certain socio-cultural community. Revista Publicando, 5(16 (1), 222-228. https://revistapublicando.org/revista/index.php/crv/article/view/1497


At the present stage we observe the great interest to foreign languages as a mean of intercultural communication. All spheres of our life need interaction. And to understand the representative of different cultures we use special linguistic-cultural dictionaries. And we have allocated students as members of a certain socio-cultural community who work closely with such type of dictionaries. So the purpose of this article is to identify in the process of value formation of members of a certain social cultural community (students) through linguistic-cultural dictionaries. It can be possible to be done through the examination of the mechanisms of sense and notion formation of culturally-marked vocabulary of linguistic-cultural dictionaries. These mechanisms correlate with the lexicographical process which consists of two stages. The maximum concretization of not only the object, but also of the addressee (student) of the linguistic-cultural dictionary will make it possible to approximate the lexicography of nationally-marked vocabulary to the real condition of intercultural communication.

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